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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Building the wall is national security

Today as I watched the news with President Trump along with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer I was appalled by the response to build the wall at the southern borders for all Americans ' National Security. I am so tired of people who are clueless or care less for Americans' security and playing politics with our lives and our future.

I voted for President Trump because I wanted someone who would challenge the status quo and not the same business as usual. For two years this President has been trying his darnest to keep his promise to the American people, to no avail from the opposition and from his own party.  It is shameful to see these bullies playing dangerous games and destroying the very fabric of our country. We already have a strain on our resources as it is because of illegal immigrants in our country.  It has been reported it takes $70,000 annual to support an illegal immigrant that is costing the taxpayers daily, nor factoring the cost of health care.

There are dangerous people sneaking pass our borders and crime is ubiquitous. We have to erect this wall to keep out everyone who has no respect for the Law and feel they a right to cross our borders. There is a right way to ask for asylum,  the legal way.  Sanctuary cities are just another way to allow illegal immigrants to flood our country this ought not to be.  So please support President Trump in procuring the funds to build the wall.

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