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Friday, December 13, 2019



The Word of God stated,  in God's Presence there is a fullness of Joy. At this time of the year some of us understand what true joy means compare to the world's concept of joy. Joy is a gift of God to everyone who believes in Him. If we separate the joy and goodwill of the season of giving it is null and void.

People seemed to be more receptive to the light of joy even in the midst of the looming, engulfing darkness around us. In some the preemptive measure of peace among men and, the suspension of the political rancor and vitriol of the behemoth opposition, have been replaced with ebullience, even if it may only be a fascade. Yet, there is an ambience of gladness, joy, peace and goodwill even among those who were once in a comatose of hopelessness and loneliness.

This season seem to exteriorize God's joy everywhere even in the frenzied shoppers and of the hustle and bustle of bargain consumers. There is laughter and a sense of freedom in the atmosphere making people more receptive to each other's benevolence and goodwill. Joy reminds us of this one timeless truth that Jesus Christ came and died for each one of us and to offer us the free gift of salvation to all who would receive it. This is the true meaning of this season of remembrance.

Let us not get caught up in furor of consumerism but pause and give praise to the One who brought the world hope, joy and peace. Season Greetings.

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