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Thursday, July 9, 2020


The Heirloom of Hate

"Denounce hatred of any kind; promote love at all times.” This is my new mantra. But it is hard to show love in the face of evil. Christ said, in His Word, that we are to love even our enemies. Our true enemy is not people who attack us or denigrate us, no, our true enemy is the devil, called Satan. He is the puppet master and those who succumb to him are his puppets. 

Some people feel justified in their own erroneous beliefs perpetrated by their families and handed down as some “precious” heirloom. The only thing is, it is a corrupted, and evil heirloom made of brass, not worthy of anything. It is ugly, distorted and misshapen and has gathered dross over the centuries and years. 

We need to throw it away; discard and destroy these terrible heirlooms that sit on shelves of prominence in our lives. Because it is destructive and only bring desolation. This week we saw people acting badly toward other people, and thank God for smartphones that revealed these ugly acts. 

Even though they knew they we being documented they did not care. Some people have made it their mission to hate no matter what. Only God can change a man’s heart. Only God could change the narrative and reveal what’s in the dark.

Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...