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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A Decree of God for Women

Apples of Gold

A Decree of God

What do you write for a first blog post? I asked myself. Then I remembered or rather I was reminded by the Holy Spirit on one of my favorite text of Scripture, as undermentioned. For those who may not know who Ezekiel was, he was one of the Old Testament major prophets in the Bible. His name means: God will strengthen. His body of work is concentrated on the future of humanity.

My mission for my Blog: Apples of Gold is to reveal to women the love of Jesus Christ for them. With the intent that this love will be reciprocated.

I am so tired of hearing negative news from all around the world and even here in our country the annihilation of women, young and old. I am here to let you know  about the love of God for women.

This all got started way back in the Garden of Eden when Eve disobeyed God and consequently was tempted by our Adversary, the devil. God cursed the serpent and put enmity between Satan and women. So, here we are fighting a battle we didn't even started but  we sure are feeling the magnitude of that one act of disobedience.
Jesus wants us all to know Him and to love Him and most of all to let Him lead our lives. He loves us with an everlasting love and wants us to take our places beside Him. So rise up Beautiful Women and take your place.

Ezekiel 16
6-7 “‘And then I came by. I saw you all miserable and bloody. Yes, I said to you, lying there helpless and filthy, “Live! Grow up like a plant in the field!” And you did. You grew up. You grew tall and matured as a woman, full-breasted, with flowing hair. But you were naked and vulnerable, fragile and exposed.

8-14 “‘I came by again and saw you, saw that you were ready for love and a lover. I took care of you, dressed you and protected you. I promised you my love and entered the covenant of marriage with you. I, God, the Master, gave my word. You became mine. I gave you a good bath, washing off all that old blood, and anointed you with aromatic oils. I dressed you in a colorful gown and put leather sandals on your feet. I gave you linen blouses and a fashionable wardrobe of expensive clothing. I adorned you with jewelry: I placed bracelets on your wrists, fitted you out with a necklace, emerald rings, sapphire earrings, and a diamond tiara. You were provided with everything precious and beautiful: with exquisite clothes and elegant food, garnished with honey and oil. You were absolutely stunning. You were a queen! You became world-famous, a legendary beauty brought to perfection by my adornments. Decree of God, the Master.

Comments are welcome: How do you perceive yourself in the eyes of God and in your world?

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