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Thursday, February 22, 2018

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God created us purposely with one mouth and two ears. How simple is that? I believe He did that with the intention for us to speak less and to listen more. God knows the impact of our words. Words we say to ourselves and others but especially to Him and about Him.

Words are not just something that comes forth from our mouths but it comes from our thought processes. How we see the world and interpret it. It also comes from all of our life experiences- whether they were negative or positive in nature; it will impact our frame of reference and the way we look at life. In the Book of Proverbs 18:21, describes  it this way:" death and life are in the power of the tongue." So the words we constantly say out aloud to ourselves and about ourselves and others will determine our outcome. Do you know how powerful words can be? It can literally kill you or harm you or someone you love. Words that break down rather than build up. Our lives are series of words which originate from our hearts. Luke 6:45 says this way:" A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart. Do you see what I mean by the power of words.

I will share a personal experience to illustrate the power of words. I was twelve years old and as a child growing up I was always anxious about school and performance. I did not do well at school and got very poor grades. It was as if everything just went over my head and I had a lot of problems retaining what I learnt because of my underlining anxiety. It got worse especially in areas where I had to perform certain tasks in front of the class. So at twelve I had to take this big exam and I was tensed and anxious, I could not remember one thing I learnt. I sat there looking at that paper with cold clammy hands, my stomach all tied up in knots until I felt lightheaded. Well to make a long story short obviously I did not do well at all. I failed the exam with only one chance. Later when the results came out in the newspaper, no doubt, my name was no where at all. My dear father, he could hardly contain himself. He ripped into me with his words. For a long, long time I could hear those negative words through the annals of time, that "you are retarded". That phrase was so powerful to that little girl that she became to believe that she was not smart but retarded. Later I realized how I allowed the power of his words to determine how I looked at and perceived  myself. I made up mind then to prove him wrong and later got my Masters degree in Clinical Social Work. So never underestimate the power of words especially with children.

Do you think part of the problems we have with communication is how we use our words? Something so elementary but has so much consequences. Proverbs 21:23, declares," he who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from troubles." The way we communicate has so much to do with what is in our hearts. It is so important to learn this basic law of words. What we put out in the universe with words will return to us. If we send out words of love it will return to us in some form and vice versa. When you are going through a crisis or some affliction it will behoove you to be very cautious of how you use your words. Especially words you say daily and constantly to yourself. I know most of you have heard of self-fulfilling prophecies, (predictions)- things we say to ourselves and others that are manifested.

The first word or words you say when you are in car wreck or just received terrible news from your doctor, those words will take a life of its own and will consequently determine life or death. It is like a snow ball effect. God said it this way in Deuteronomy 30:19, that "He has set before us life and death, blessings and curses to choose life so that you and your children my live and that you may love the Lord, your God". He was warning us of how to live our lives and the repercussions of disobedience. Words have life if we aligned our words with God's Word similarly negative words are shadowed by death if we continue using words with little thought of its ramifications.

I heard a story of a preacher and his family who were involved in a deadly vehicular accident with another vehicle, his young son, was flung into the front, breaking his arm and some ribs. His wife's face slammed into the car’s dashboard. His three year old daughter, was-thankfully-fine. When others who were standing by witnessed the accident ran to assist the casualties one of the men who was driving the other car said, when they extricated him from the vehicle, because of possible engine explosion, his first words were, "I am going to die." Well guess what? He did. While the preacher was worse off than him thanked God for saving him, survived and is still alive today. He understood the impact and the force of his first words.

James said it this way, "if we do not stumble in word we are perfect and we can control our whole body". He made a few analogies about the tongue in James chapter 3. He basically said the tongue is a small member of the body but it can boast of great things and it is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue can defile the whole body and set on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire by hell. He went on to expound that no man can tame the tongue that it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue (our words) we use it to bless our God and Father and with it we curse men (mankind) who were created in God's image.

James stated further, out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. He admonishes us this ought not to be so. He asked us to ponder this; does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? No spring yields both salt water and fresh water. The Bible says out from the abundance of the heart the mouths speaks (see above). God warns us what we say will determine our destiny and the quality of life we live on this planet. Guard your words, guard your life, this is a good edict to live by. You are actually turning away from the snares of death when you adhere and practice this principle of God's (Proverb 14:27).( First Peter 3:10 NLT) says it this way, "if you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace and work to maintain it

I am sure everyone has a story to tell on how words have impacted their lives either in a wholesome or agreeable way or in a hurtful or detrimental way. We also see the effects of words in the media and how we treat others without careful thought or attention, that can be very destructive. So I am giving you  a challenge, actually more for myself than anyone, to monitor the words I speak to others and to myself for next 21 days. Of course I need supernatural help and I have already asked God to help me in this challenge. I know it would not be easy because sometimes or rather a lot of times words bypass our conscious mind and still spill out without even realizing what we just said. It is as if it is on autopilot and it can be a little disturbing. Ergo the challenge to change some flawed habits we picked up on the highway of life. I hope you too take up this challenge and make where you are a little better and bring light into you and the receiver.


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