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Monday, May 28, 2018


Memorial Day

Memorial Day Background Vector...

Memorial Day in the United States of America is a commemoration where we recognized the various branches of the military for their sacrificial service and for our nation's freedom. These courageous men and women have confronted the face of evil and have fought the good fight for our liberty and for our allies. Today as we remember these tremendous men and women let us not take our freedom for granted but always honor our military and be grateful for their military strength and courage. Let us remember to pray for our armed forces and ask God for His divine protection over them. May God give them the strength to run against the troop (of the enemy) and make their way perfect and teach them how to be strategic at war. May He strengthen their arms and place a shield of protection around each one on the battle field. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Today I also take this opportunity to remember God and to remind those of us who may have forgotten our Divine Protector. The God who has recognized America because of the courageous and brave men, women and children who have been faithful and true to Him in the face of opposition and evil. God loves America because of it faith giving foundation and the birth of the moral fabric of this country. Unfortunately, the very things that God once loved of our great nation has been eroded through time by the evil forces around us. The moral fabric has been eroded to an immoral state of debaucheries in every area of the American life even in our children, the future of America. As we celebrate with the families of our troops and our own families I pray that we take time and pause to reflect on what our armed forces are really fighting for in the middle east and even in our country.

This fight is a veiled veneer of evil undermining the values and virtues of good people who are determined to maintain some semblance of decency for their lives and their families. However, not everyone is on board. The evil behind the curtain when its pulled back is of demonic proportions. As quickly as the enemy is struck down immediately another superimposed head has reappeared to strike again and again.
Illustration With Hand Drawn...

This reminds me of "the Hydra of Greek mythology. The Lernaean Hydra was a serpentine water creature that had the capability to regenerate when one of its head was severed; it regrew a couple of heads." Well this is the war our troops are fighting and even in times of a lull, evil is just regrouping and strengthening to attack again into infinitum. As long as The Adversary and his demonic army roams this world there will always be wars and rumors of wars until the final judgement.

God expects His children to take control of this world by prayer and supplication and by trusting in Him. He gave a warning to those who are duplicitous: "Be astonished and be horribly afraid...for My people has committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, The Fountain of Living Waters and hewn themselves cisterns-broken cisterns that can hold no water" (Jeremiah 2:13). We have put God in the closet, under the bed, out of the classroom, out of our government, out of our daily lives, out of hearts and minds, it is if the world is trying relentlessly to erased God from this world. It is hilarious when you stop to think about it. Who can run from God? Who can hide from God? Who can remove God? really? Who can live their lives successfully and happily without God? Only those who do not understand their mortality and is egoistical to believe he can. This is vanity and foolishness, according to Solomon in Ecclesiastes. He further went on to say "everything has its time: in this case, "a time to be born and a time to die; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to love and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace. (Chap3)

Peace sounds like some mystical stretch of the imagination in the face of the depravity of our world and in the face of war with no end in sight. It is however, available to all those who believe in God and His Precious Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Those of us who have invited Jesus into our lives and have an intimate relationship with Him understand this Peace. A peace that transcends all understanding. There was a time I lived like the world lived in darkness but when I found Jesus that was it. I walked away happily, with no regrets. I love Jesus and as a minister of the Gospel I will keep writing about Him and letting those who want to know Him the opportunity to do so. No matter what calamities that are ahead for this dying world God's children will have peace even in midst of adversity and trials. Let me assure you, God takes care of His Own and He loves us with an everlasting love.

Happy Memorial Day to all those who invite peace in their hearts and who are the heroes of the true war that is fought every nanosecond of each day. The war against the spiritual forces of evil. To our dedicated men and women who fight on the battle field of life abroad and at home may your lives be the beacon of hope shining bright in the darkness around us. Let our lights shine, shine, shine.




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