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Thursday, May 17, 2018



Hourglass As Time Passing...

For my entire adult life, I have felt I have been sitting in a waiting room waiting and waiting for someone or something to occur. I have done everything that I knew what to do and, in the process made a mess of my life. I was not a very patient person and I relied upon instant gratification as the rest of the world has. I have done things that I have not been proud of and were not my finest moments. I know I am not alone in this scenario called Life. We have all been there doing things that should have been placed on hold rather than pursuing it. Even with my interactions with others were sometimes premature and ill-advised and just darn foolish. However, as the days turned into months and the months turned into years, in retrospect it would have been better for me if I knew the art of active waiting, waiting with dignity and grace and joy.

Some years ago, I felt, in my chosen career as a social worker, that I was getting the most difficult clients to work with. I asked my then supervisor about it and she piped up to me and said that I was the most patient person for this group of clients. Well! I smiled at her and said I didn't feel that qualified to deal with all of them at once but she assured me I was the right person for the job. I certainly didn't feel I was a patient person at all but from my supervisor's perspective I was. She believed in me enough to do the job. I did. Sometimes things happen in your life that takes you down a path that you never dreamt of and certainly, this group of clients did humble me and, in some way helped me to be more patient and more tolerant in this capacity. If only I could have teleport this into my personal life my life would have been so much easier.

Fast forward today, I have grown to be more patient as time has gone by and the undulated seasons have come and gone. There are some things I have been waiting for my entire life and I am still waiting. One of these things is living in my own debt-free house. Since becoming a child of King Jesus, I have learned some things. I am learning how to actively wait on God to move on my behalf. I am in a type of a faith ' boot camp' because actively waiting on God involves total dependence and reliance on Him. One thing I am learning as time goes by that if I want a true relationship with God I have to learn to trust in Him to do what is best for me. He knows everything about me better that I know myself or anyone close to me.

In Psalm 145:15-16 essentially says to me, 'that as I look to God expectantly, expecting the best from Him, He will give me my heart's desires in due season as I trustingly open my hand and my heart to Him.' I believe in my heart that all the years that have preceded, were not wasted because God has been working on me, preparing me for such a time as this. Even those difficult clients were orchestrated by God. I guess it has taken me all those Herculean years for me to really get it and for me to mature into the person God has created me to be. Don't get me wrong, it is still a growing process and it will be until I return to My Father. What I am saying, nothing with God is random, everything has its purpose and it is to fulfill the plan God has for us.

Sometimes we can be in a hurry to get to the other side and there maybe obstacles and dangerous currents with torrid twists and turns that we cannot perceive but only He can. It is His way of protecting us from ourselves. I remember many, many years ago I was in a relationship, actually it was my first serious relationship. I was really young and naive and didn't know much about relationship dynamics. I remember before I thought about being intimate with this person I strongly felt in my spirit a foreboding, a warning that if I did have a coital contact with this person I would become pregnant- yes, that was the voice of the Holy Spirit warning me. I wanted to wait and he didn't and silly me, instead of I kicking him to the curve I instead indulged him and didn't protect myself. Guess what? I became pregnant and all hell broke loose in my family.

God always takes care of His family and we who love Him and love His Son, Jesus are His family. Even when I was unaware of what I was doing at the time I knew instinctively it was wrong and I didn't want to go that route but things happen so we deal with it and move on. Psalm 37:7, advises me to rest in the Lord, and to wait patiently for Him. He advises me not to fret...because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.' Today I have a beautiful daughter and she is a gift from God. God says that all things work together for good to those who love Him and called according to His purpose. So, what started off as a 'wicked scheme' ended up as a beautiful masterpiece. Faith is always a rest.

There are times we may be in a situation or going through a trial or a test or some dire circumstance, if you love God and truly believe in Him this is only temporary. I am learning when I experience a circumstance beyond my control that it is a way for me to increase my faith in God. We are blessed when we wait on God and not try to force Him or put pressure on Him to move prematurely on our behalf. I say this because in the past I have done this and ultimately brought trouble into my life that could have been avoided if I had waited. God knows that I need to have complete faith and trust in Him and sometimes He allows me to experience a test or trial that only He can extricate me from so that He alone get the glory.

The Adversary also is in the middle of all this or he may be the master mind in the mess we are in. Now that depends on what kind of relationship you have with God. It also depends on how you perceive yourself or your situation. If you look at your situation from God's perspective then you already know you have the authority over any satanic influence according to Luke 10:19:'God has given me the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing by shall any means hurt or harm me.' I have the authority to rebuke that evil from my life and get into prayer and fellowship with my Father.

God is a very loving and gracious Father and He loves us so much He gave us His only Son as our Savior and Redeemer. In return as His children we are to honor, love and obey Him in every way. In our weakness He is our strength. He forgives us our unrighteousness and cleanse us from all sins. We are to embrace all that He is and all that He offers by trusting in Him, believing in Him and having Faith in Him. He orchestrates the events in our lives and He want the best for us. He is the Father those of us never experienced with our earthly Father and exceedingly the best Father we can imagine. He protects us, heal us, provides for us and everything else an awesome Father will demonstrate in love.

His timing is perfect because He knows when we are ready and mature enough to receive what He has for us. He is gracious to us in time of trouble and will even clean up the messes we make. He acts on the ones who wait for Him with joyful expectation. He acts on our behalf when we lovingly wait for Him even when the odds seemed to be stacked against us; it is always good that we hope and wait quietly for His salvation. He hears our prayers, prayers of faith not of lack or want but of faith and joy and hope. He is our shield against the forces of evil or wickedness. We ought to wait eagerly for the appearing of His glory.

We are to judge nothing before the appointed time but to wait until He comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God. (1 Cor.4:5). I have taken up the mantle of grace and I wait patiently on my Lord because it strengthens my faith, builds up my hope and expand my heart in love. There is a delight to know that you can trust God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. After all, this is our Mighty God who created the heavens and the earth and everything in it belongs to Him. He created us in His image and His likeness. While we wait we continue to do what we have been taught to do: praise Him, worship Him, love Him and be gracious unto Him. All things are possible with God.


It is my pleasure Father to wait on You. I know You will lead me and guide me on the paths You want me to go. I know You will tell me when I should move or not. I know you lead me in incremental steps, one step at a time. Help me to keep within the boundaries of today. Help me to put away pride and not project to the future because the future is already taken care of. I cast all of my cares, my burdens unto You and I am assured You will take care of me. I will continue to walk in the light of Your grace and I am assured my victory. I am also aware that the most challenging times comes when You are about to give me my manifestation and victory. Help me to cognizant of this and not allow the enemy or others to put pressure on me. I will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. I love You Father and thank You for supplying all of my needs exceedingly and abundantly. In Jesus' Name. Amen



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