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Thursday, May 9, 2019



Atheism is not a religion or even a philosophy but its foundation is built on "unbelief, distrust, unfaithfulness and it is without divine persuasion. It is based on the opposition of the Gospel, and there is a notion of obstinacy." (G.570) It is an erroneous concept of some people who believed that there is no God and in other cultures, no gods.

It has been purported since the 18th Century and in the early feminists' movement of England and the United States. Matthew 13, stated that Jesus was not accepted in His own home town of Nazareth and despite His wisdom, revelation and miraculous powers the Jews looked upon Him, as the son of a carpenter, rather than their promised Messiah. They were offended and turned against Him and Jesus knew He could not do any mighty works because of their unbelief.

 There are many atheists who have violated human rights and have a history of genocide, mass murders in the name of communism: Mao Tse-tung murdered 65 million Chinese by torture and execution;  Joseph Stalin (USSR) murdered 20 million and Pol Pot (Cambodia) 7 million. This is the face of atheism. "Their inward part is destruction, their throats are open tombs and they have rebelled against God. " (Ps. 5)

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