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Monday, May 6, 2019



We live in a broken world and we live among broken people, and some of us are broken. There are broken places in our souls where we never visit, because of fear of what we will discover of ourselves. We have broken self-images, relationships, wayward hearts, and broken lives, addictions, delusions, rebellion and other broken places that we hide, to appear composed or put together.

Brokenness depicts a destructive force, something crashing in on us, pressing us down and smashing us to pieces. It leaves us fractured like a bird trying to fly with one wing and never making it off the ground. It reminds me of a nursery rhyme I learned in kindergarten of (Elliott's) "Humpty Dumpty", a broken egg that could not be mended; or a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.

But God can give us "beauty for ashes" and "joyous blessing instead of mourning". He can take our lives and refashioned it for His purposes. He can change our negative perspective of life into a Godlike perspective, as long as we give Him our brokenness. He can make a masterpiece or tapestry embroidered with an amalgamation of beautiful, bold and rich colors. He can rebuild the waste places in our lives and hearts. Let us praise before the manifestation of change and trust Him to make us whole again.

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