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Friday, May 31, 2019



Heavenly Father, I thank You that You always hear my prayer and that of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Our world is rapidly eroding and sin has become pandemic and ubiquitous. We are persecuted, threatened and ostracized when we do not align ourselves with the pervading culture, depravity, and sin in our society.

Strengthen us as we march with resoluteness to do what You have commanded us to do even if that means simply praying in silence, as we stand against the barrage of evil. Righteousness is deemed as wickedness and evil is deemed righteous in our culture. The world has turned upside down. Evil men are held up to high esteem and seek rights they ought not. While we, Your children, are stripped of our religious freedom, civil liberties, and vilification. Stand in the gap while we pray for the insanity of our world to cease.

Help us no to be discouraged, dismayed or afraid because we are more of them than the children of wrath. You promised us You will fight our battles and we are never alone. Thank You, Father, In Jesus'Name.

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