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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

“It Shattered My Life”: Former Joe Biden Staffer Tara Reade Says He Sexu...

We live in a climate where the rich or the powerful seem to be above the law and where the victims are further victimized by reprisals of hatred from those who hate our country and our legal system of justice. It discriminates against those who cannot really receive justice or fairness because of who they are or what they represent. There is an evil wind blowing across our country and this wind brings an insidious stench of bias and double standards and a get out of jail free card by the offenders and perpetrators. Joe Biden is one such man and he is not what he purports to be. The liberal media and Hollywood have remained silence during Ms. Tara Reade's allegations. What are we going to do about this and are we going to put up with this nonsense? We may not get the justice we desire or ought to be but God sees the injustice and none will be spared who violates this principle.

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