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Monday, December 25, 2017


Part 2

She was now a widow- never having her marriage consummated {In Jewish Law if your fiancé died you were considered a widow.} So after twelve long years, in a state of impurity and uncleanness and no relief in sight she was deteriorating. Her money situation was dire. She was bankrupted financially, emotionally, and physically. She had not been to the Mikveh pool (the ritual bath after her confinement) for twelve years. Her period has been a continuous flow, possibly menorrhagia, (pronounced as men-or-rha-gia -abnormal bleeding). The same searing pain she felt was visceral not only because of her great loss of her fiancé but it left her spiritually, psychologically and emotionally bereft. It seemed as if her life was in an extended period of suspended animation. She felt desperate because she had no support system and felt so alone and lost.

She overheard her neighbors discussing JESUS, a rabbi with a kind heart and healing of many. She did not care how far she had to travel or what she had to do to get to the city where she heard He would be. She was going to see if this JESUS would heal her. And If He was indeed the Healer she knew instinctively she would be healed. A spark of hope rose in her chest and gave her wings.

She awoke next morning very early and performed her ablutions and implore God in prayer to give her the strength to walk the long distance into the city. She prayed that JESUS would heal her despite her impurity. She packed herself a light lunch and water and trudged to the city. She made sure she disguised herself so no one will know it was her walking in public.

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