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Monday, December 25, 2017


Part 3

She exhaustively and laboriously arrived at her destination. She stopped by a wall of the city and placed her hand over heart to steady herself and to calm her nerves. She felt an excitement of anticipation while a tinge of fear clutched her throat. She prayed no one will notice her condition. She knew she was violating the Purity Laws but she had to take the risk. She knew in her heart this was what she should be doing. She looked up and saw how thick the crowd was and wondered how she was going to get in the proximity to the Man of God to heal her. She knew she could not touch others but due to the density of the crowd she had no other options available to her. Out of sheer determination and desperation she hesitatingly moved forward. She pulled her veiled closer to her face and surreptiously crept forward.

She saw JESUS in the crowd surrounded by a host of people. She heard about a little girl age twelve who was also sick and to the point of death. She empathized with the Centurion, the girl's father, who was also seeking JESUS'S attention. Despite the dizzy feelings she kept her focus on Him and everyone else seemed oblivious. She thought ‘if I could touch the Man of God, I know I'll be healed.' The crowd around her made her feel as if she was suffocating and she began to feel faint and was about to pass out. As she drew nigh to Him she dragged herself the rest of the way and reached out to touch the hem of His garment. Immediately she felt the "fountain of blood' stopped and a warmth infused her entire body and mind. She knew a miracle of healing had occurred and she wanted to shout it to the world but did not dare. She silently gave thanks to God in prayer.

JESUS stopped walking and stood still. He knew immediately power had gone out of Him. He said to His disciples who stood close to Him that someone had touched Him. They responded: "Master there are people everywhere and You asked who touched You?" She stood still when she heard the Man of God spoke to His disciples. JESUS asked the question aloud to the crowd, "Who touched Me?" Yet, as the Son of God He already knew who touched Him but said it aloud for her to take a stand of faith.

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