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Monday, December 25, 2017


Final Part

She knew that her touched had made the Man of God unclean and she trembled upon hearing His voice asking who had touched Him. She did not know what to do but sense she had to say that she did indeed touched Him. She understood the ramifications yet somewhere deep inside her she had thrown caution to the wind- she was healed that is all that mattered right now. She knew God had heard her and answered her prayer of healing that day. And no devil was going to take that away from her. Finally the chains of sickness was broken and she was free, oh, so free! So, despite her fears and trepidation she answered the Man of God.

She gingerly and in a quiet subdued tone of voice she stood and acknowledged that she had touched Him. Instead of being sanctioned or reprimanded JESUS looked upon her with love and compassion. She felt encouraged and gave the narrative of her life before her healing. He knew what she had done took courage and faith. The others in the crowd too listened, some were ambivalent but others cheered her on. They waited with anticipation and attempted to gauge JESUS' intent. JESUS simply and gently stated: "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace. {When He uttered those words He was declaring harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility upon her. The Greek word for peace is "Shalom"}. JESUS was not defiled neither anyone who was with Him that day. (Paraphrase Luke 8:40-48).

We have no record of what happened to her thereafter, except she went home whole, healed, delivered and saved by the Man of God. Giving Him praise and thanks. Her life would never be the same because she had an encounter with the Man of God-JESUS.

Please note this is my dramatization of what may have happened to the woman with the issue of blood- to make it more relevant for today. The outcome is the same as it was then.

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