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Sunday, December 31, 2017



Definition of Hate:

Hate is a strong dislike for something or someone. It is a very destructive force that aligns itself with pure evil and its counterpart. Hate is like a tsunami, an underwater volcanic eruption. It sometimes usually goes unnoticed until it is too late. Sometimes it can exist for years in the deep recesses of the soul without awareness. It can result in cataclysmic and colossal loss and it takes no casualties. It is an intense hostility and an aversion for its target or object. Hate's counterpart is death and mayhem. It associates with depravity and the depth of everything under the curse. It is seductive and beguiling to those who are susceptible and who delights in its allure. It is, however the end of all that is human and it dehumanizes its host and ultimately causes eternal annihilation.

The Author and Developer of Hate

The author of Hate is The Enemy, Satan, the lord of this world. He has led the world astray since the Garden of Eden when the Tempter lure Eve to disobey God's command. The sin of disobedience was initiated in Heaven when he violated his role and usurp himself as a god. All of his plans in the world are counterfeit to God's plan and a cheap imitation. He is the author of sin- a transgression or violation against righteousness and morality. No! morality is not relative or subjective for any Christian. We adhere to the moral law that God deign for each of us to live our lives. We also know from observation and personal experiences, what the world looks like without a moral code- it is chaotic and tumultuous. It is eternal death.

The Accuser
The Accuser is the constant enemy of truth and righteousness and love. He is equated with destruction and is also known as the" Destroyer", "the angel of the bottomless pit" (Rev. 9:11). He has great powers in the world but he is limited in what he is allowed to do. (Heb. 2:14). He is filled with hate and he delights in seeing all that is good destroyed. He is behind everything that is evil in the world- everything. He uses his demonic forces, the fallen angels, (demons), to create havoc and all wars and all manner of evil. They use human beings as their hosts to do their dirty work. You see, these are spirit beings and they need a body to possess to do their work.

God has gotten the blame for all that the devil and his hosts have been responsible for. He has gotten a bad rap and to be the cause of bad things that happen to good people. Those are just lies perpetrated by the devil. He hates God and he hates Christians or anyone with a sense of morality or practice righteousness. Any Christian who fellowship with God and loves Him knows He is the Author of all that is good and will never allow evil to fall on His children. He always makes a way of escape for them. He protects His own.

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