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Wednesday, January 3, 2018


This dramatization is taken from 1 Kings 17:8-15

Part One

Many years ago there was a famine in the land and with it caused a drought. The drought extended not only to the land but in the hearts of men also. The people of the land no longer prayed to God nor did worship him. They spent most of their time worshipping other Gods. They spent more time trying to create wealth and to accumulate more possessions, things that had transitory and temporary value. They spent hours on end on self- improvement, self-effort, and self- sufficiency. It was an idolatrous time a time where "self" replaced God. They worshipped many false gods, gods that were made by man.  Ultimately, they seemed to cause their own demise. God left them to their own devices until He instructed His faithful few, and Elijah, His prophet, was one of them.


As the story unfolds Elijah had no recourse but to flee the land for his life because there was a bounty placed on his head. After declaring God's word of a drought over the whole land God told him to leave. The Lord provided for him as he went. But even though he followed the word of the Lord he too was affected by the drought. Everything was dried up and parched and emaciated. It seemed that everything was atrophied. God told him to leave and go to another village where he would be provided for.

Lonely Times

Elijah was courageous, straightforward and bold for the things of God. He loved God and was obedient and faithful. He had great faith in God and he fellowshipped with Him. It was a difficult time for him also and there were times when he was discouraged and sad of his plight but he depended on God. God helped him through all the difficult and lonely times. Just as He helps us today. So when God told him to go to another village he questioned God for a moment. He didn't feel comfortable going to a pagan's village. They didn't  practice the way of God but he had to be obedient.

The Widow

Meanwhile in Zarephath-located eight miles south of Sidon, a Phoenician city:

The woman hid her face from her neighbors with the widow's veil as she walked to the end of her driveway of her house. She felt all alone and had no one to turn to for help because she had no family left except her little boy-Uzzi. She had lost her husband who was ill for a long time from consumption and fever. It was difficult for her husband trying to provide food for his family.  He spent a great deal of time on the land farming wheat and barley until the drought came. Stress and overburdened by the drought he succumbed to a burning fever and consumption and died three long days later. Now she was a widow with a child to care for with no means other than what was left in her house.
God Cares

As she walked the long driveway she scanned for sticks to make a fire because she had no more wood to light to make a wood flame for their last meal. She had prayed so many long nights for her husband's life and now she was seeking God for her own life and that of her son. She heard that God answers prayers and had also heard of His miracles yet fear clutched severely at her heart. She looked at her circumstances and knew she had to do something anything to save her child and herself. She needed one of those miracles she heard that the prophets of God performed. As she vigilantly scanned for the sticks to make the fire she desperately prayed for God to move on her behalf. She had read that God cared for widows and for orphans in the writings. Maybe God will answer her prayer.

She kept on Praying

She was not only experiencing this gross financial and economic crisis but she had no family support and her relationship with them and her deceased husband's family was at best strained. She knew the land will go to her son but she knew he was still too young and besides the famine, there was nothing that could be done. So she kept on praying and praying never letting up. She had great faith in God even though at times fear tried to usurp its ugly head. She sang praises to God and tried her best to show her son that God will come through for them. They made a game of imagining a better life, a life of abundance and that seem to help for awhile to alleviate some of the anguish she felt.

(see Part Two)


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