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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Image result for free image of people behavior before the Noah flood


Noah was an unassuming man and ordinary man just like you and me. Nothing special about him was evident but one thing though he loved the Lord with all his heart and soul. No, he was definitely not perfect, no human being is and neither was he. You see, we are all born in sin and shaped iniquity. We all live in a fallen world.

 Noah knew God by spending time with Him. Thus building a rapport, a relationship with him. Noah knew what it meant to have fellowship with his best Friend-Adonai (God).

You may wonder or conjecture about Noah and his life and why God chose him to purge the world of evil at that time in earth's history. What was life back then to cause God to regret His Creation? What made God so angry and so saddened at the same time feeling disappointment of man's fall from grace?

These questions have been asked numerous times throughout earth's history and for you to understand life then we will have to take a trip to the past and may have also to adlib what we can't conjecture.

 History always repeats itself and if you live in our world today you can make a logical or causal connection to what may have happened or occurred back in Noah's time. So for me to unravel this mystery I will use what is happening in our world today which will give me a pretty good idea of what happened back then.

Noah lived in a world where everything was chaotic and idolatrous. People lived their lives without any purpose or any thought of their eternal home. Noah and his wife and three sons basically kept to themselves. Noah kept a sharp watch over his family. Noah dedicated his live along with his family to serving and loving the Lord. Noah lived under God's protection and God provided for him.

When Noah went out to preach to his neighbors or to anyone who would listen he witnessed first hand the proliferation of wickedness that had invaded the town where he lived. As years advanced so did wickedness, depravity and mayhem in every area of life. It is as if darkness was just looming over the whole land and the light was growing dimmer and dimmer as people ceased to be people and more barbaric, inhuman and uncivilized. They behaved as feral dogs.

Noah realized what was happening and he knew from fellowshipping with God that God was angry at the debauchery of the human race, people He had created. Noah also understood it was demonic possession of the people, the wiles of the devil and spiritual hosts of wickedness. He would come home after preaching in the town and getting no where because evil had taken control over God's Creation. The people thought nothing of it at all. When Noah warned them and advised them to repent and turn from their corrupt ways they turned away from him. They were just living life as if there would be no end, one big party.

Noah would go into town after working the land. He was tired at times but he knew he had to try and reach the people. When he stood up to speak to them they laughed and jested and called him derogatory names. He would  shout above the clamor and the cacophony but that only incited them. Noah would return home grieved in his spirit and would talk to God about it and console and encouraged himself to give the people another attempt tomorrow. He really thought that they would listen to him. But deep down inside he knew they had turned their backs against God and all righteousness.

Looking at Noah's life is like looking through a looking glass to our world today. Our world has become so depraved and evil. What is good is called evil by people who want to justify their degenerated behavior. They have made so many demands to be heard and so many demands that their life is the norm and deep down inside we all know it is immoral and perverted.

If Noah was alive today he would weep at the moral decay of our world and he would wonder why God's mercy has extended to this world and not his. Noah did not know about Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus our world still stands. Despite the profligacy of evil in our world Jesus knows He has many children in our world who love Him and has surrendered their lives to Him. But He has also warned us He would be coming soon.

Stay Tuned

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