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Friday, January 26, 2018


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Day 26 of my Journey through the month of January. Friday.

Today, lying on my bed this morning I was having a heart to heart conversation with God. I was just thanking Him for all He has done for me.

My first appreciation to Him was acknowledging Him.  I thought many years ago after leaving my husband and ending up in a transition center for women of domestic violence,  with my two children, I was homeless. I was reminded about how much God took care of me. For years I also thought that I was homeless and my greatest fear was homelessness. But God, my Amazing and Awesome God showed me that I was never once homeless. He always provided a place for me. Philippians 4:19 says, "My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." He so lovingly kept my children and I safe. Sure we had some challenges along the way but those challenges were only meant to make us stronger. When you are on God's side nothing He does is to harm you. Actually, it is the reverse, it is only for drawing you closer to Him and depending on Him only. He was indeed my only source those many years ago and I have become more dependent on Him today. You know something I won't change any of it because of where I am today in my walk with Him.

So today I celebrate my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all the amazing lessons, gifts and serendipities I have received in my walk with Him. Thank You Lord.

I was also reminded I was never in lack or want for anything at all. He gave me shelter, clothing, food and money in various forms. It is astounding the depth of God's love for me it just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I never felt loved until I met the Man Jesus. As a child I didn't have the love and the demonstration of love in my life. Sure my parents did their part the best that they knew how to but it was just the material needs that were met. I was safe and I was provided for but something was always missing. As I grew up I began to look for love in all the wrong places and I know some of you can relate. That is not a good thing to do. I realized as I matured and as a child of the King, in retrospect I was looking for comfort outside of myself rather inside myself. Everything I need does not come from without but from within. Everything I would ever need come from above. Frist John 4:4 assures me, "Greater is He (Jesus) who is in me than he (the adversary) that is in the world."

Again, I give my God and my Savior all the praise and all the glory because they are truly the real deal.

Finally, I just want to proclaim and acknowledge the LOVE that JESUS has for me. He gave His life for me that I might live and live life more abundantly. He loves me with an unfailing love, it is a love that transcends time and space a love that is eternal. It is unconditional and I have not done anything to earn it. I gave my life to Him because when I was at my worst He saw me on the "ash heap" struggling and trying fruitlessly to make things happen on my own, failing miserably each time and never once rejected me. When I felt alone, scared and unsure of life and in the messes I created on my own or others created for me and had no where to turn, He lovingly called my name, so softly, gently, He reached down took my hand, held my up, dusted my off, washed me and put on the best robe of righteousness on me. The more time I spend with Him the more I grow to love Him and it is easier to love others.

I hope someone out there in cyberspace will be helped with this and turn their lives over to JESUS. I can testify and assure you will never be the same. I am not that same girl. I am the daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Image result for a free image of the good shepherd

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