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Monday, January 29, 2018


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Man is a triune being a reflection of the Trinity. Man is a spirit. The spirit of man was given to us by God when he was created in the Garden of Eden. When we die that spirit returns to God. Of course that depends which God you serve. Is it our Creator of the Universe or the god of this world, the Adversary? We have a soul that is unique and tailored for the individual. The soul is made up of our minds, will and emotions. Lastly we have an earth-suit called our bodies that house our spirit and soul. When the body decays, our earth-suit disintegrates, our soul and spirit returns to God.

 However, a lot of people live their lives as if they are one dimensional rather than three dimensional and they not just a body walking around on the earth. It is as if you are in a house with three rooms and you attend to only one room or two rooms and neglect the other. Hence the reason there are so many messed up people walking around creating havoc on others and even themselves. Some even believe this world is their final resting place and there is no God, no judgment and no life eternal.

Well, I am here to let you know if you are that person that is a big fat lie, perpetrated by the devil, our Adversary. You have been hoodwinked and blinded and deaf. That was his plan all along to keep you duped and lull in a state of spiritual coma. The devil came to steal, kill and destroy and he roams this world and creates chaos.
He hides behind people who he has snared to do his devious work-whatever that is. Yes, he kills babies, he possesses our young people, he creates wars and the rumors of wars, he causes diseases, pain and sicknesses and he causes blindness physical and spiritual, he makes you afraid because he is the author of fear. He makes you worry about everything and anything. You get the picture? He is the one who causes evil and bad things to happen in our world. Why? Well you have Adam, in the Garden of Eden to thank for that.

When Eve was deceived by the serpent, which we now know, was the devil, Adam knew his responsibility and the rules because God instructed him, so Adam was not deceived but for some unknown reason he went along with Eve and ate of the fruit of the tree of good and evil- a major transgression of blatant disobedience. He relinquished ownership to the devil and the devil was now the new owner of Earth. Yes folks, the devil has a right to be here because Adam sold out his inheritance to the devil. Now we have this awful creature roaming to and fro upon the earth creating every depravity and debauchery you can imagine. Guess who gets the blame? God, my Loving Father. And I have had enough of it. That is why I write these blog posts to shine the light on God and to reveal the enemy for who he really is.

God made mankind (women and men)for one purpose to glorify and worship Him. We were made in His image- both male and female. We are here to be a light to the world and to each other. When Jesus gave His precious life to save mankind from destruction (see the story of Noah)we became His. He died for everyone not just special people, like the Israelites. He died to save humanity from eternal death. Do you know what that means? It simply means anyone who align themselves with evil and anything evil aligns themselves with God's enemy, the devil, the god of this world. You are in darkness and the enemy has blinded your eyes. Spiritual things of God to you are foolishness and you laugh at the things of God because that is the enemy's plan. "The bloodthirsty hates the blameless." When the wicked are multiplied upon the earth, transgression increases.

Just look at the chaos, and mayhem around you, everywhere you go there is trouble on every side. The only place you can feel safe and secured and greatly loved is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Jesus is the only answer for our world, for our peace, for our sanity. Jesus, last words He uttered while alive on this earth, before He was crucified were:" I AM with you always, even to the end of this age." (Matthew 28:20). He is always with those who believe He is and will always be with those who walk in the light, because He is the Light. Walk with Him and you will live eternally with Him.

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