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Wednesday, February 14, 2018



He saw me when no one else did;
He met me on the road to Damascus,
I was laying down on the ash heap,
People pass me by but none stopped,
No one saw me at my worst or cared.

He saw me when no one else cared,
He saw me struggling and at the point of hopelessness;
I laid in my own vomit of circumstance
And no one was there to help me except Him.

He reached down and took my hand.

He  lovingly looked at me with purpose in His eyes;

He had compassion and mercy;

He cleaned me off of the blood stains of fear

He knew me and knew of me and still He cared;

He laid His hand on me ever so tenderly.

You may ask who is He who stopped me on

the road to Damascus or was it the road to hell?

He is the Lover of my soul. He is my Savior.

His Name is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God

Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.

He knew me when no one else understood me;

He saw all my messess and flaws and unrighteousness

And still He loved me.

He loved me so passionately and He gave His life for mines;

He demonstrated profound devotion and grace,

So I can live life eternally and more abundantly.

Who is this Man who loves and desires me above all?

He was a simple man, a carpenter while He lived on earth.

He taught me how to live and love and laugh;

He transformed me and redeemed me from it all;

He gave me everything He had and more than this earth

Has seen or will ever see. And He lives in my heart.

Oh! how I love Him and how I desire to spend my

Life with Him in all eternity;

Because He took me from the darkness of death,

He nourished my soul with the Bread of Life,

I drank from the Living Water I received from Him;

He says He loves me with an everlasting and

Enduring love that no man can ever love me.

I offered Him my life and I became His beloved and

He showed me how to live my life for Him.

No more anxiety, no more fears, no more sickness,

No more death, no more lack and no more torment.

His love has no bounds and no limits, it is unfailing.

I am precious in His sight and He watches over me

as a Shepherd does His sheep and He restores my soul.

He said to me, neither death nor life, neither angels or demons,

Neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither

height or depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be

able to separate me from His love that abides in Jesus,

My Lord and Savior. This love no one can buy or bargain with.
So my friends this is my love story and it is precious to me,
but I just thought I should share it with you,
I want you to know Him as I do and to experience this Great Love
because it is not only for me but for everyone who desires
to be loved, truly and profoundly loved.
His arms are open wide to receive you my friend and
He will never judge you, or hurt you or reject you;
He will restore you and you will never, ever be alone.

One thing He has commanded me to do is to love
others as He has loved me. And in so doing I share
this love to anyone who reads this love letter.
Another piece of advice, you have to leave the love of
the world behind and trust Him to always do what is
best for you and when it is the right time to do so.
He never disappoints and He will always answer your requests
as long as you devote your time and love to Him.

He is a jealous God and expect His children to love Him
with all their hearts and their minds. He expects us all
to love Him with an abiding and sustaining love. When things
go awry which will happen, He says, He will protect you
and look after you and provide for you. Take courage my
friend and see what a Faithful and Loving God He is.
The End

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