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Monday, February 12, 2018


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"PEACE, I leave with you, MY Peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27 NKJV).

"I leave the gift of peace with youmy peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Dont yield to fear or be troubled in your heartsinstead, be courageous!" (TPT)

There was a time in my life when the word "peace" was a foreign concept. I never knew what peace really meant until I found it in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now this peace is not readily attainable or easy to access. It takes going through the fire of life to really appreciate this peace that is so available to anyone who needs it. Naturally there are some parameters to obtaining this peace that the world is devoid of. This peace comes from above it is not here in this earth realm. This is heavenward kind of peace I am speaking about. This peace lives in the new born Creation of God and all of God's children. This peace is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and a vital component to the survival of mankind, without it you will succumb to strife, war, conflict, battle, dissension, bloodshed and antagonism and other unpeaceful behaviors we witness every day in our world.

If you have a choice which actually we all do, would you choose peace of God or man's idea of peace? Man's idea of peace involves self. Man look for peace that his five senses can experience. Man look for peace in others and possessions. Some look for peace in money and their popularity.( This list can be expanded so feel free to add your own). Peace, real peace, comes from within and cannot be attained or achieved in anything of this world. Matthew 6 says, "do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but (we are) to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven...for where our treasure is, there your heart will be also." So this peace is not tangible neither is it something we ourselves can achieve on our own.

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God" (Matt. 5:9). Understand this peace I speak abides in every human being. Actually, it is part of your spiritual DNA and it lies dormant until it is activated by the condition of your heart. A pure heart can experience the eternal peace I speak of. A heart contaminated and sinful will not obtain or harness this peace. A pure heart, a heart filled with love and free from any extraneous elements of any kind; for example, living your life for Jesus and believing in Him and making Him your First Love- can only experience this pure peace; not the contrived peace that is tainted by this carnal world.

I have been at odds with myself for a very long time. I believed ever since in my childhood I knew instinctively that there was more to life than my then present circumstances. I was a very unhappy little girl who had no idea of what peace was or rather anything ethereal. I would search in my heart for the answers I seek and I experienced glimpses of this peace when I was still and calm and when I separated myself from the chaos around me or the toxicity of my life. I knew there was a God out there in the vast universe, my Creator. I knew He knew me and I wanted Him so badly I didn't know it then but I know now in retrospect- my heart was calling for my Lost Love like a mouning dove, reaching beyond the stars to heaven.

It took me many years to finally find this eternal peace and I hold on to this peace tenaciously because if I relinquish it I just know I will drown in the sea of death. Death is separation from the Creator, our God. The world today is decaying and mother nature is dying. If we look around our world today you'll see the destructive forces of mankind on nature then you will understand this concept. Our ecosystem is imbalanced meaning there is no harmony or a state of homeostasis in our world. Even in nature there is no more peace. Earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, hurricanes, tornados, and the list goes on. It as if nature has been crying out against the onslaught of man on its system and is now retaliating in full force. No peace.

God has said, 'He is for Peace'. Peace in our homes, our marriages, our work places, ourselves, our neighbors, our government, our schools and in every area of man's life. Jesus is our Everlasting Prince of Peace. We can only obtain God's peace when we keep our hearts and minds fixed on Him. Isaiah declares 'whoever make themselves crooked paths (paths that lead you astray) shall not know peace and justice is far from them. Jesus stated emphatically that He came to bring us peace and He reminded us that this peace He brings will not be found in our world. He stated the truth that we will have tribulation (and all types of trouble) while we journey through our lives on Earth. This peace of God is only attained through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God has called us all (who believe in His Son-Jesus) to peace. This peace is a gift and a covenant to God's children and He has assured us His peace surpasses all understanding and it will guard our hearts and our minds through Christ Jesus. Be thankful of this precious gift and allow it to rule in your heart.

Grace to you all and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

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