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Thursday, April 25, 2019


There are 23 States plus the District of Columbia that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. Marijuana is an addictive drug especially to our children and my concern is, that this new wave will make it easier and more accessible and available to them. My brother was twelve years old when he was first indoctrinated by two of his classmates, who were pushers. My brother was a good kid, served in church and was a boy-scout but was an easy target because of his introverted personality and maybe insecurities. 

Later, it lead him down a rabbit hole to other hardcore drugs: cocaine and black cocaine and marijuana laced with other substances. My brother committed suicide at age 21, however, illegal drugs did not kill him but another substance. It certainly compounded my brother's emotional well-being and psychological state. Marijuana has negative effects on the young brain. 

The reports of the use of marijuana as medicine is still uncertain, even to the FDA and with any drug it has side-effects despite the endorsements from its users. The fact is, there are detrimental and long-term damage and effects on children's brain and on their mental and emotional state. Teens aggression escalates and it encourages additional risky behaviors.

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