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Thursday, April 25, 2019



The Word of God stated: "Death and Life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Prov.18:21). Whatever we plant in our soul will bear fruit, fruit that will justify us or condemn us. Apostle James, stated, that the tongue is as a flame of fire. It can do tremendous damage. It is full of wickedness and poisons every part of our bodies if we do not control it. Our tongue can turn our lives into destruction and disaster and it is difficult to train. 

For those of us who have control over our tongue, we have control over our lives. Our tongues have started wars, have destroyed relationships, and have caused the curse upon ourselves: bitterness, selfishness, and jealousy are some of the areas where our tongue can defile us. It is said, to be set on fire by hell. Our tongue we use at times to bless God and simultaneously curse others, who are made in God's image as we are. 

Can a spring gush fresh water and bitter water in the same opening? It can't yield both salt water and fresh water at the same time. Let us strive to guard our soul and our tongue with diligence and let love be always our motivation.

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