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Friday, April 26, 2019



What are the strongholds in our lives? Strongholds depict a fortified military stronghold or fortress; it can mean anything we rely on, according to (G.3794); for example human reasoning and false arguments. Spiritual strongholds are lies that the enemy uses to penetrate our minds. They are accusatory attacks against us perpetrated by our enemy, to bombard our souls. He is the oppressor who is strategically building a fortress in our thought lives. His plan is to hold us captive as a prisoner or slave in his fortress.

A mental stronghold is where we are bound by force in an area of our lives. This area of sin opens the door to the enemy which consequently gives him a foothold in our lives. Only God and His wisdom can help us to extricate ourselves from the enemy's control. With God's help, we can remove the old standard of thinking, attitudes, and behaviors. Instead of thinking, "I am worthless and no one loves me, which is lie from hell, we are to renew our minds on, "God loves me with an everlasting love and I am complete and perfect in Him." We can thank God for freedom, forgiveness and destroying any power the enemy has on us. So I declare, every stronghold over us, destroyed and remain broken, in Jesus' Name.

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