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Friday, April 26, 2019



When making important decisions, don't do what I did a long time ago. I was young and thought I was in love. I went to God and asked Him if I should marry the man I have been dating for a while. God said to me loudly and clearly, "No!" It wasn't an audible voice but I heard it in my spirit. God knew this man was bad news. What did I do? I married the man and it was the most terrible mistake I ever made in my life. There were times I felt I was in hell itself and he was the devil. God did warn me. Several years later the marriage ended badly. I felt ashamed and forced myself to stay longer than I wanted.

When we make decisions we need God's wisdom and His guidance. We need to ask Him to reveal to us what is His will and most of all to be obedient and follow His direction to the letter. We will never fail. That is what the apostles in Acts 1:23-25 did. They went to God to ask Him to help them nominate another apostle since Judas no longer was there. They prayed, "O Lord, You know every heart. Show us which of these men You have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry." God did and He will do the same for us too. I trust Him to guide me safely through this life no matter where it leads.

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