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Thursday, May 2, 2019


One Unsung Hero of the Jewish Holocaust

It was 1941 when the Jewish Holocaust began and ended in 1945. The systematic annihilation of roughly 17 million men, women, and children of Jewish descent was murdered. One man with hatred in the depth of his soul rose up from the pit of hell and proclaimed he was going to extinguish the Jewish Nation, through ethnic cleansing, eugenics, genocide, and extermination. This vile and despicable man believed that the Aryan (German) nation was superior. He believed that the Jews were inferior and non-human. It sounds somewhat like the hatemongers in American against blacks or any minority group that is not white.

Today I would like to recognize one man who was instrumental in saving the lives of approximately 100,000 Hungarian Jews, some directly and others indirectly. His name was Raoul Wallenberg. He was a Swedish Diplomat and a humanitarian. He provided protective passports and safe houses for the Jews. He taught us that one man can indeed make a difference and it takes courage and moral integrity to stamp down the ominous face of evil, savagery, and an unveil contempt against racism. Hatred is one way Satan control weak-minded people so let us rise above hate and let us be a conduit of love.

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