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Saturday, May 4, 2019



When we think about rest we think about a quiet place where we can unwind and for some, a type of destressing activity that brings joy. Rest invokes, ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity; resting not from work but resting in work. The rest I am referring to is divine rest. A rest only we can experience by having an intimate relationship with God and His Son, Jesus.

The Word said, after the earth was created God rested and those of us who believe in Him and receive the promises of God by faith, receives a spirit of rest. God promised us in His Word, that He would never leave us nor forsake us and He would provide all our needs according to His riches in glory but I need to put Him first place in my life and seek His kingdom and His righteousness.

I can rest in those promises and not have to work to get God to do something for me, that He already said He would do in His Word. God's Word is His bond, His will for us who believe. Divine rest is an everflowing constant stream and an uninterrupted connection with God and His Son. We experience complete peace in our hearts when we have achieved God's rest.

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