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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Our Children

The prevailing culture has labeled men who behave violently, aggressively and inappropriately against each other and toward their families as toxic masculinity. Since we live in a sinful and fallen world people who do not have a foundation built on the Rock of God will act badly, male and female. 

We live in a dichotomous world of male and female and their intrinsic, unique biological design of both. When God made us we were perfect until we sinned against Him. God has specific instructions on how we are to raise our children and how we must model the behaviors and values we are teaching them. We need to teach our children to fear the Lord, that means expressing reverence and submission to Him. And to love Him with all our hearts, souls and strength. When we do, all will go well with us even in the midst of adversity. 

We ought not to let the government, society and other cultures subvert our influences on our children. The only authority that we should adhere to is God and He will give us the wisdom and knowledge on how to bring up our sons and daughters. When we let the prevailing culture or at worst, the government tell us what our values and our principles should be then we have relinquished control over to the evil forces of this world. Our children will be lost.

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