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Saturday, May 18, 2019



Bad things happen to good people, but as Lynn Anderson once sang,  " I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, there's gotta be a little rain sometime." God said, we live in a fallen world we would go through many afflictions but we should not be afraid. Because God will deliver the righteous, out of them all. Most times He takes our messes and makes a masterpiece.

There are many people suffering in silence and if we stop and listen we can hear the silent cries of those in the throes of pain. God is our Pain-reliever, our analgesic and we can trust Him with all of our hurts, disappointments, and dysfunctions. Those evil things that have happened to us as children by people who we thought we could trust to protect us and those things that have devastated our lives and stole our innocence, was demonic in nature.

We don't have to go through this life in broken pieces. God is always willing to heal us, to restore us, and to vindicate us. Cling to Him and call on Him with trust and faith. Love Him enough to put you back better than before. You will keep you as the apple of His eye and hide you under the shadow of His wings.

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