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Sunday, June 16, 2019


DISTRACTIONS-Lack of Concentration

As a child, I did very poorly at school because I was unable to concentrate and focus on any tasks set by my teachers. I was distracted because of my family dynamics of disharmony at home and I felt a displaced emotion of insecurity. In retrospect, clearly, this was a ploy of the Enemy. His plan was to sabotage my happiness and create confusion, shame, and failure.

Eventually, I grew up believing I was a failure because that was the Enemy's plan all along. But, as I journeyed through life and found out who I was in Christ I excelled at school. I took my eyes off of the Enemy's distractions and placed it on God and gave Him the glory. The Enemy's modus operandi is to distract us with insecurities, failures, worry, etc but God's way is excellence. He wants us to excel, to be successful in every area of our lives.

There is one caveat. When we honor God, He would honor us and when we trust God, He would bless us. God arms are always outstretched and reaching toward us if we are willing to run into the safety and refuge of His mighty arms of love. He would never disappoint us if we truly believe in Him and His word in Christ Jesus. No more distractions, or lack of concentration instead we will give our attention to God.

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