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Wednesday, June 19, 2019



Anger has many faces and they appear as strife, injustice, hate, pain, vindictiveness, and unforgiveness. The world around us seemed to be consumed virulently with anger-a very destructive spiritual force. It is parasitic in nature and it has total control over its host. It is a predator eating away at the soul of mankind. We are most times unaware of its intent. It distracts us from the goodness of God and the sweet aroma of Christ in us-our only hope.

It robs us of our peace, security, and goodwill toward God and others. The spiritual force behind anger is our Enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Everywhere we look there is evidence of his footprints and unknowing to us he is devouring our humanity and we are becoming inhuman- brutal, callous, sadistic and cruel to our brothers and sisters of this world.

He is essentially fulfilling his plan. God wants us to be free from this destructive force called anger and the only way is through His Son Jesus. He promises to give us the courage to confront this profoundly evil force. If we "take hold of His words with all of our hearts and keep His commands" we will live life more abundantly. I can testify to that because I have been set free.

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