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Wednesday, June 19, 2019



We all want to escape at times from the harsh realities of life but this is another form of distraction that moves us away from our Life Source-Jesus. Escapism conjures up the idea of some form of disengagement or subterfuge; to escape something unpleasant. We find different ways to deflect whatever conflict we are experiencing through entertainment or some activity.

A certain evangelist called it "SCUD missiles-Satan Constantly Uses Distractions." The Enemy steals from us and we allow him the privilege. However, when escapism becomes predatory that form of entertainment or activity becomes self-destructive. Some drown themselves in dangerous pursuits. Our primal instinct is to hear the warning bells that we are treading dangerously near the brink of destruction and that we need a life line-a Savior.

Unaware to us, we are in real danger of losing all that we once held precious. We are like the walking dead, not seeing the gargantuan preponderance effects of the secular-progressive cultural changes that are strategically eroding away at the core of who we are as a people. Jesus is the One we need to depend on for strength, peace, and tranquility. He offers us free access to Him when we sit still and contemplate His greatness and His love for us. He is our Hope.

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