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Monday, July 29, 2019


What is Your Measure?

We have all been given a measure of faith as believers of Almighty God. We all have the same measure. Yet some of us are fearful and the Lord calls that "little faith." What we do with our measure of faith determines the outcome of our lives. Some of us succumb or surrender to the adversities and unfavorable circumstances that seem to overwhelm and consume us.

Jesus referenced that we have allowed fear to contaminate our faith and to diminish it. God stated unequivocally "without faith it is impossible to please Him. Conversely, some of us aspire to great faith.

There was a Roman soldier who had a servant who was plagued with fear and tormented by the enemy. He had heard of the marvels of Jesus and he sent some of the Jewish leaders to plead and advocate for him and to come to heal his servant. But when Jesus was almost there, the soldier sent some friends to meet Jesus and stated that he was not worthy to come into his house but if He speaks only a word he knows his servant will be healed. Jesus responded, that He had not found such great faith, not even among His own people.

Let us aspire to great faith, the God-kind-of-faith. When we do we will be rewarded.

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