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Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Our Public Schools

What is happening to our children attending public schools? Recently I read of something disturbing that I have to bring to the attention of parents, grandparents and those of us who love and care about our children and our future. I read that in a certain state of our Commonwealth of a widespread Islamic propaganda campaign against our public school teachers. These teachers were forced to attend a mandatory two-day training presented by a Muslim consultant. More than 400 teachers were in attendance and not one of them challenged what was force-fed to them.

Some of the propaganda stated that white males are more dangerous than Islamic jihadists and terrorists; Christianity was disparaged and America was denigrated; this Muslim woman who was giving the workshop went on to state the Koran was more superior than the Holy Scriptures of the Bible. She was also capitalizing on the mass shootings by young white males which she believed were more threatening than Muslims extremists.

This is being spread to our country right here on our shores to American colleges, universities and public schools under the guise of "spreading diversity." The author of this piece went on to state this is one of the Leftist agenda to change the landscape of America, and I would add to corrupt our children and question their national heritage as Americans.

The person who gave the workshop is a well-noted speaker on varied topics that pertain to her agenda, under the guise of cultural competency consultant. She usually makes about $1,000 to $2,000 to speak. Her name is Huda Essa, a hijab-clad Arab woman from Dearborn and a Muslim consultant for Culture Links, LLC. Her focus is to get her agenda to the masses starting with the most susceptible, impressionable and innocent audience, our children. The irony is tax-payers have funded this "diversity training" to our school teachers.

The author went on to state, the teachers were being told lies about Islamic terrorism, jihad and Sharia Law. The Thomas Law Center of Ann Arbor, Michigan discovered the widespread Islamic propaganda. By the way, no other religion got this kind of special treatment in any of our schools. Ms. Essa's accounts were deceptive and not truthful regarding Sharia Law and jihad or the Islamic religion.

She gave false narratives about white Christian males as being more aggressive, threatening and dangerous than Muslims. She failed to discuss that there were 452 Islamic terror attacks in 31 countries in 2019 so far. There has been no coverage of this in any of the Leftist news. "This was meant to destroy American traditions and replacing our republican form of government with an enslaving tyranny," quoted the author. We as parents must monitor our children's schools, their curriculum and speak to their teachers of anything that is contrary to our traditional values as parents and Americans. We must hold our school districts accountable and we must rally together to maintain the bedrock of America.

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