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Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Liberal Agenda and Main Stream News

The Liberal Agenda and Main Stream News

The Liberal's agenda is to subvert, to manipulate and corrupt the truth. They spew lies to deny conservatives and those on the right their fundamental free speech and constitutional rights. People who do not research or ask questions about the content of what they read or hear or their source of information are gullible to their bias agendas and they fall prey to their propaganda.

This ultimately becomes the pervading narrative and people deemed these false narratives as the truth which is dangerous to us as a society. This what we call 'FAKE NEWS'. Some of these left-wing news outlets are: CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Google News, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, PBS, Colbert Report, Politico, MSNBC, NBC News, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, BBC, ABC News, NPR, the Village Voice, and this list is quite exhaustive. Other liberals are: ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Drudge Report, New Yorker, and a host of others who plan is to influence the masses with their secular progressive left-wing anti-American ideologies.

Our young people are very susceptible and the left-wing, anti-American, anti-fascist Antifa of the Democratic Party and Hollywood are also champions of the secular-progressive leftist agenda. We who seek truth are the enemy. Those of us who seek the truth and call them out are demonized, and are called racists, bigots and are considered the antagonist.

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