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Sunday, August 25, 2019



From the inception of our world, the truth has become cloudy, subjective, objective and relative. Truth has become redefined by cultures of the world, nations, religions, and societies. But real, authentic and absolute truth comes from God alone.

This Truth is unchangeable and established in the foundation of God's Holy Word. The Word is God's will for mankind and it is timeless and transcend mankind's ideologies, philosophies, science, mankind's inductive reasoning, mystical and esoteric teachings, mankind's religions and spiritual practices, pagan traditions, heresies, secret societies, and propaganda.

Most people who do not know the True and Living God will fall prey to the maelstrom of these corrupt oppressive regimes, extremism, ethnic cleansing, unbiblical revenge murders, radicalism, superstitions, totalitarianism and apostasies against God and His people. Jesus stated unequivocally in John 14:6, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER, except through ME.

We ought not to be blinded by the lies of Satan and those he influences and have appointed to deceive us and consequently lose out on our salvation, redemption and eternity with a Loving God who wants the best for each one of us. Hell was not made for mankind but for the devil and those who choose to follow him. Truth =Freedom.

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