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Sunday, August 25, 2019


Protection for Children for the New School Year

School has resumed for another year. Today let us focus on our children and grand-children and the year ahead of them. The new students and those returning we would like to extend a prosperous and successful year. We pray for the security and safety for all students. Those who are home-schooled, those who attend private schools and those who attend public schools or online classes. Let us also pray for the parents of these school-age children and for the adults who also attend colleges and universities.

We pray that God's "massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm." We pray that you "don’t fear a thing!" We pray "demonic danger will not trouble you, nor will the powers of evil launched against you. Even in a time of disaster, with thousands and thousands being killed, you will remain unscathed and unharmed. When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. (Ps. 91 TPT)

We pray that our children will go unhindered by any satanic forces of the enemy and depression, anger, suicide ideations, fear, toxic thoughts, unself-disciplined and unsound minds will flee far from them. And the Name of Jesus is above every name. Sickness, disease, and pain will not come near them and they will be blessed exceedingly and abundantly in every area of their lives.

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