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Sunday, September 15, 2019



According to God's Word, people will depart from the faith as the end of time draws nigh and will be consumed by delusional thinking, absurdity and irrational thought, according to Rick Renner.  Many people will be led astray by seducing spirits which are all around us in the atmosphere. Delusional thinking robs us of common sense and a rejection of the truth. 

These seducing spirits' intention are to plot against society making people wander or veer from the faith, doctrine or long-held, time-tested teachings of Scripture. People are moving away from traditional values and biblical teachings and beliefs. They are abandoning the truth and eliminating godly foundations and replacing them with political correct progressive thinking seeping into every avenue of society like a plague.

This is demonic of full proportion and confusion and instability. Rick went on to say, people will get so morally confused by these demons or evil spirits which are the primary cause of disasters, suffering, and insanity. When a person believes an elective surgery to alter their sex would make them into the gender they prefer then we know we are at the end of time.

These invasions of evil spirits are mutiny against God and worldwide deception. 1Timothy 4:1, Matt. 24:34.

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