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Sunday, September 29, 2019



 Have you ever consumed some type of alcoholic beverage to the point of confusion? Well, if you did you know how disoriented a person can be if they consume past the legal limit. The Bible spoke about being broken down, being displeasure to God, and about the hard things we experience in life.

 It is as if we have drunk the "wine of confusion." Some of us have experienced great and severe troubles. Some have been torn apart by circumstances and some of been stricken by pains of adversity.

But God in His infinite goodness has promised to heal our wounds, to revives us that we may live in His sight. He promised to restore the broken places in our hearts and deliver us from the depths of despair when we reverence Him.

He calls us His beloved and He is our Beloved. He is our Help from trouble and through Him, we do valiantly. God will obliterate our enemies but we must trust Him.

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