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Friday, October 11, 2019


  1. Persecution of Christians globally-

In America we have the privilege to worship freely without persecution, most times. But in Afghansistan who in the first century were predominantly Christians can no longer do so because of the invasion of extremist groups. Today there is 99.8 percent of these active groups, including the Taliban and ISIS. The government and Islamic groups, radicalism, political ideologies make it very difficult for people who defy or attempt to evangelize their faith.

 Christians are unable to openly worship for fear of retribution and persecution. Evangelism is strictly forbidden. If Christians are caught they are arrested, beaten, tortured, kidnapped and killed routinely,by the government, Islamic radicals and extremist groups. Mission efforts are impeded because jihad is compulsory and according to these extremist groups infidels are murdered.

 Christians converts from Islam are often killed by their own family members.(This information and subsequent information is provided by Voice of Martyrs) Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Afghanistan.

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