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Friday, October 11, 2019


Persecution of Christians are pandemic-

Fulani, the predominantly Muslim nomadic tribe spread across West Africa have terrorized Christians and those who convert from Islam. This fanatical militant group teaches children that Christians are infidels and Christians are their enemies because they do not worship Allah.

Islam do not teach salvation but rather they believe their entrance to paradise is based on good works or deeds. Every Christian knows that good works or deeds will never get you into heaven. The only way to heaven as the Scripture profess is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The opponents of Christianity believe their works will get them there. This is a lie from hell that have been perpetrated by the ungodly, and unbelievers or radicals and extremist groups. These radical groups believe Allah has to decide who is worthy to enter paradise. Muslims who convert to Christianity are stoned to death.

 Families relentlessly search for those who have left and gone to other villages for fear of death and retribution. They live in a cloud of uncertainity because of their Christian belief. Let us continue to pray for our brothers and sisters all over the world who are constantly persecuted for their faith.

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