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Friday, October 11, 2019


On going violence of Christians globally- 

Satan would like the world to renounce Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and has been on this demonic quest ever since he was thrown out of heaven by God. The Boko Haram fighters attack villages as part of their campaign to establish an Islamic government across Northern Africa. They have continued to attack political targets and Christians.

 They have warned Christians of southern Nigeria to leave the north. Boko Haram routinely and constantly destroy the homes, schools, places of worship because of their conversion to Christianity. These brave women, men and children refuse to allow unforgiveness or negative emotions to subvert their faith in God. They acknowledge that God has a plan for their lives even in the midst of persecution, pressure, and violence. They understand this is a spiritual attack of major proportion by the enemy.

Ava experienced multiple attacks of violence and destruction from Muslim estremists and she lives always in a crisis mode. Her husband was murdered, shot in his own bedroom and one of the attackers was a neighbor whose voice they recognized despite his disguise. She and her five children now have to flee for their lives. She refuses to harbor hate in her heart.

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