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Sunday, September 1, 2019



I heard Keith Moore preached about this and I thought how blessed and privileged I am to be part of the family of God. But Keith was right because bad things do happen to everyone when they stray. The reason is simply-SIN. The curse devoured the earth when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and bowed their knees to the enemy.

As we peruse the panoramic landscape we can see the evidence of the devastation of the curse everywhere. However, we must be very cautious that we never, ever ascribe or attribute the works of the enemy to God. That is blasphemy. Satan or the devil is our enemy and he is the god of this world and the instigator or architect of the curse, sin, and death.

God is a good, good God and there is no evil or wickedness in Him. He created us because He wanted us to be His family and for us to love Him and worship Him. Those who adhere to God's will for themselves will inherit the kingdom of God.

Since we live in a fallen world everything is not going to work out for every person except those of us who know God and love Him with all of our hearts. Romans 6:12 (NLT) reminds us we must not let sin control the way we live; do not give in to sinful desires. We are not helpless victims of our thoughts. With God on our side, we have nothing to fear.

We are all susceptible to bad things happening to us while we live on this earth, including babies and animals. The curse is ubiquitous. Sin and death are the evidence of the curse and the enemy is at work in every instance. When God created the earth and mankind and everything in the earth He pronounced it good.

God reminded us 'many are the afflictions of the righteous but He will deliver us from them all.' Problems are a part of life and so is sickness, disease, pain, and poverty. We are all in danger of having bad things happen to us. The question is, why is God's protection off of us? God cannot and will not associate Himself with people who actively participate in a sinful lifestyle. He has specifically told us through His Word we will all perish if we refuse to repent.

As Christians, we have the Living Hope dwelling in us and we have the "unparalleled advantage as overcomers" in Christ Jesus. "We are kept," by God. God always protects His own and He has our backs no matter what. Those who don't know God or who refuse to abide by His rules of right living will not be under His protection and will succumb to evil, the curse, and ultimately eternal death. I choose God, who do you choose? Trust God with all of our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding.

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