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Wednesday, November 13, 2019



Satanists are threatening to make their way back into Sterchi Public School, in Knoxville Tennessee, with a Satanic program geared towards children! According to reports: "On Halloween night, a Facebook page called 'Satanic Children's Ministry of Knoxville,'... thanked Knox County Schools and the Church of Sterchi Hills for allowing a religious organization to start a school release program and said it now plans to kick off its own children's ministry...the group released a statement identifying itself as 'a collective of Satanists in and around Knoxville',...that aims to 'combat proselytizing in the classrooms.

.On its Facebook page, the Satanic group stated: "We are so proud to announce that pending the school board vote in November approving The Church at Sterchi Hill's Bible Release Time program, Satanic Children’s Ministry of Knoxville will be coming to your local elementary with our Satanic Release Program! For one hour once a month, your children can be released from their school to come learn about Baphomet!" Baphomet is the androgynous man-goat devil who blurs the lines between the sexes and bestial and human nature! (By Return To Order)

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