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Saturday, November 23, 2019



It is said, God loves a cheerful giver and it is always blessed to give than to receive. I am honored and grateful for this opportunity to give thanks to God for all His many blessings, especially the ones I take for granted. I am grateful for each day when I awake for the fresh breath of life and new mercies and for His faithfulness.

 I am grateful for the blood that Jesus shed on the old Cross at Golgotha, for me and for the whole world. Jesus, You are and always will be my First Love. Because of God and His Son I am not a helpless victim of circumstances, of my past or my thoughts but I am free, loved, healed, prosperous, forgiven, and blessed with every spiritual blessing especially in the world I live in today.

 I especially want to give thanks for my LinkedIn connections and all those wonderful people who took the time to glance at or to read my posts; hopefully, you were able to draw a little closer to God. I do want to acknowledge the precious family I am blessed to be part of, I know they are God's blessings to me.

 I am grateful for the many blessings of each day, the answered prayers, the miracles and those serendipitous moments. God, You are wonderful and awesome, thank You for protecting us, providing for us and helping us each day.

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