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Friday, February 28, 2020


The Grave of Unforgiveness 

I remember those days when I trudged over the graves of unforgiveness. My soul was mired on the ruins and debris of hurt feelings, anger, rage and yes, self-righteousness. I lived in a vortex of hate and self-pity as it agitated the life and vitality out of me. I began to wither, lose the essence of who God created me to be. I felt as if the filth and garbage of life had been dumped on me. I lost my joy, my glow and innocence I once had; partly because of my poor choices and partly because of the people who I entrusted to love me and keep me safe. Yes, I was living a lie only I didn't know it. I thought it was how things were supposed to be.

I grew up buried under so much junk, I couldn't find me. I lived life on the offensive pushing people away and never getting too close trying to protect this fragile heart of mines. But one day at my lowest Jesus called out to me and He reached down in the self-aggrandizing position I had couched myself. I grabbed hold of His hand and I have never since let go of Him. Because He literally saved my life.

Now as I look at myself in the mirror I no longer see that sad, pitiful person but a vibrant, joyful person so full of life. Thank You Jesus for choosing me and accepting me. #jesusisdanswer

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Jesus, My Savior: 

I grew up in a denominational religion where God seemed elusive, abstract and arbitrary rather than a Person. I saw God as a harsh Father waiting for me to mess up and to punish me. I thought sickness and poverty was how He exacted punishment. I grew up not knowing God in an intimate way because of the false doctrine purported by this religious organization. I felt shame, guilt, and condemnation throughout my young adult life. I felt I could never measure up to the standards that would get me to heaven. I couldn't do anything right and I felt unworthy.

But one day I heard a preacher who knew some things about the true God and the Gospel and I was hooked. I was like a drowning person hungry for God's love and mercy. I surrendered by life to this new concept of God and I read about John 3:16. You see before I never had a Bible or one that was authenticated. I learn Jesus came and died for me, for the whole world and He did not come to condemn me. He took my messes, sin and shame on His own body on the Cross along with my sicknesses and lack. He called me His beloved and He set me free.

What is your own experience of meeting Jesus?

Sunday, February 9, 2020


I Am Free to be Me

Sometimes when I feel misunderstood I know Jesus understands me even with all my flaws and shortcomings. I know He will never reject me. I can be authentic with Him and I don't have to pretend to be someone else or hide who I truly am. I am safe in Jesus and I am secure with Him. Besides, Jesus knows all of me and He still loves me. I am His beloved and I am good enough because I am free to be me with Him. 

The scripture tells me in Isaiah 62:4, that God delights in me; Hosea 14:4 declares that God loves me freely; Jeremiah 31:3  declared that God loves me with an everlasting love and with lovingkindness draws me unto Himself.

What is your story of being misunderstood? I shared my story because someone may be able to relate to being misunderstood. We all have spiritual needs of some kind. The answer to all of our spiritual needs is Jesus Christ. I do not have all the answers nor am I here to tell anyone how to live their lives but just for one moment I would like us all to reflect from the perspective of Jesus Christ. He is the only One who can fill the void in our lives.

Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...