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Thursday, March 26, 2020


ISOLATION-for some can be terrifying and yet some welcome this time of separation as a time of solitude. While this group of people may find a plethora of things to do, or complete or resuscitate forgotten dreams and visions; some are using this time to reconnect with GOD. Let it be clear, Covid-19 did not come from God.

 Satan is mankind's accuser and it is he who brings the curse of death, sickness, disease and the feelings of isolation and depression and fear. Since we live in a fallen world we're held prey or bound by the consequences of sin. For those of us who have 'sin' disease, the best cure or remedy or anti-viral is REPENTENCE.

 Let us use this time to repent and to give GOD the oppportunity to heal our broken hearts; to recover those who are blinded spiritually; set at liberty those who are in a prison of sin and shame, and those who are bruised, worn out and weary living a duplicitous life. God wants us whole, healed and delivered in every area of our lives. His hands are always outstretched toward those of us who are ready to surrender their lives to Him.

 Let us ask Him for His fogiveness and let us allow Him to soothe our weary souls and aching hearts.

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