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Friday, June 21, 2019



When God created His family He created one man and one woman to unite with each other and to procreate the human species. After His work on creation was completed He said, it was good. It was finished. When sin slinked its way into the family it became distorted.

The perfect family was starkly juxtaposed with an imperfect construct of the family. The Enemy did everything in his power to annihilate the first family and has been targeting families all over the world ever since. The Word of God is not ambiguous about the family construct, on the contrary God was very specific in how He wanted His family to be- a reflection of His family.

Today, we seemed to have lost sight of God's plan for the family. God made man to be the head of the household and woman to be his covenant partner both honoring, respecting and serving each other. They both will bring up their children in fear and admonition of the Lord.

The feminist movement and secular-progressives have dismantled the family God designed and how He wanted it to be governed. Their quest is to feminize the man and defeminize the woman ultimately causing a seismic shift of God's plan for His family. The only way to save our families is to pray constantly and diligently for our families and let God assume control.

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