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Thursday, July 4, 2019


Our Earth

"Our Earth is in mourning and it languishes in shame and it is shriveling to obscurity." "The ambassadors of peace weep bitterly," while the influx of perversity in our marketplaces are an abomination to God. There is an explosive of a fusillade of totalitarianism; secular progressive proselytism and parasitism everywhere.

Our Earth has become a putrefied swamp of a modern-day necropolis of death and darkness, a habitation of jackals. The cultural paradigm has created a de facto condition of war and moral descendancy. "The way of the wicked" is babylonic and they are consumed with darkness. They are unaware of what makes them stumble.

Fortunately, those of us who have a true relationship with God, Almighty, "will dwell safely and will be secured without fear of evil." (Proverbs 1:33). Let us trust Him at all times and pour out our hearts before Him. He is a Refuge for us and His mercy is always upon us. As one minister wrote, it is not situational but relational. It will behoove us to remember that.

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