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Monday, July 29, 2019



The word loneliness is very complexed and has many dimensions. It means one who feels alone or someone without friends, loved ones or companionship. Yet, some feel lonely even in a crowd and even in a personal relationship. It conveys the idea of isolation and solitude and it elicits a sense of forlornness and a plethora of negative emotions.

Loneliness is fear-based and fear is perverted faith. Jesus is our Lord and He is more than enough. He said He would never leave us nor forsake us but we must yield to Him and trust Him with all of our hearts. We cannot immerse ourselves in sin and expect Him to help us because sin separates us from Him. We must repent of any wrong choices or behaviors and with open arms, He will forgive us and remember our sins no more.

Run to Him not away from Him. His love is greater than anything we can conceive or desire. He would give us what we desire when He knows we are ready and mature to receive it. You see, He knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows what is best for us. "That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." (msg)


What is Your Measure?

We have all been given a measure of faith as believers of Almighty God. We all have the same measure. Yet some of us are fearful and the Lord calls that "little faith." What we do with our measure of faith determines the outcome of our lives. Some of us succumb or surrender to the adversities and unfavorable circumstances that seem to overwhelm and consume us.

Jesus referenced that we have allowed fear to contaminate our faith and to diminish it. God stated unequivocally "without faith it is impossible to please Him. Conversely, some of us aspire to great faith.

There was a Roman soldier who had a servant who was plagued with fear and tormented by the enemy. He had heard of the marvels of Jesus and he sent some of the Jewish leaders to plead and advocate for him and to come to heal his servant. But when Jesus was almost there, the soldier sent some friends to meet Jesus and stated that he was not worthy to come into his house but if He speaks only a word he knows his servant will be healed. Jesus responded, that He had not found such great faith, not even among His own people.

Let us aspire to great faith, the God-kind-of-faith. When we do we will be rewarded.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


See the source image

Stand Against Sickness, Pain, and Disease.

People will have us believe that God brings sickness, disease, and pain on us but that is another lie from hell. When Jesus walked this earth He healed people everywhere He went and the only time He could not is when they did not believe.

God is a God of love. And therefore He wants us to walk in divine health. This week the enemy tried to bring sickness on me but I bound this evil spirit from operating against me in Jesus' Name and loosed it from its assignment.

I know as a child of God I am redeemed from everything under the curse and infirmities of any kind is under the curse. Jesus gave His life so I would be set free from sickness, disease, and pain. So I know up front I already have the blessing of divine health. I stood on three scriptures, Psalm 107:20: God sent His word and healed me and delivered me from all destruction. Matthew 8:17: He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. Isaiah 53:5: by His stripes, I am healed.

We do not walk from a place of sickness but from a place of divine health. The Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil. When we walk believing in the Healer all we need to do is stand firm on the Word of God. Three days later I was set free from all symptoms. Do not let the devil lies control your thoughts rather let God's word supersedes everything else and you will be blessed.

Thursday, July 4, 2019


Our Earth

"Our Earth is in mourning and it languishes in shame and it is shriveling to obscurity." "The ambassadors of peace weep bitterly," while the influx of perversity in our marketplaces are an abomination to God. There is an explosive of a fusillade of totalitarianism; secular progressive proselytism and parasitism everywhere.

Our Earth has become a putrefied swamp of a modern-day necropolis of death and darkness, a habitation of jackals. The cultural paradigm has created a de facto condition of war and moral descendancy. "The way of the wicked" is babylonic and they are consumed with darkness. They are unaware of what makes them stumble.

Fortunately, those of us who have a true relationship with God, Almighty, "will dwell safely and will be secured without fear of evil." (Proverbs 1:33). Let us trust Him at all times and pour out our hearts before Him. He is a Refuge for us and His mercy is always upon us. As one minister wrote, it is not situational but relational. It will behoove us to remember that.

Tearing of the Soul of a Rebellious Wo-man/Journal #9

  Journal # 9 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?.. Certainly not! Indeed, le...